Ecosystem Restoration

Ecosystem Restoration

Written by Abdurrahman Thanni

Ecosystem Restoration is the process of assisting in the recovery of ecosystem that have been damaged, degraded or destroyed and also, conserving the ecosystem that are available.

Wetlands, Forests, Savannas, Prairie these days are utterly dependent on people to survive, under modern conditions they die out. In some countries, less than one hundredth of one percent of these lands(particularly Prairie) is left. There are small remnant prairie parcels that becomes smaller upon development. Additionally, these small remnants are infested with invasive species that out-compete native species and are changing the way this ecosystem function and the species diversity diminishes. However, a healthy ecosystem provides abundance of environmental benefits which includes; Soil Fertility, large store of greenhouse gases and also be able to absorb and manage more storm water than one that is not and that is a huge benefit to the neighborhood, not flooding.

On the other hand, Restoration can happen in many ways;

  • Ecosystem Restoration can happen by restoring trees, removing pressure on the ecosystem and reducing the levels of pollution.

  • Encouraging waste segregation to converse the environment also goes a long way in creating greener future.

  • The Restoration of nature is imperative for survival for our planet and the human race.

Furthermore, Ecological restoration could start from large scale removal of invasive species and then it’s collective native seeds, spreading native seeds, protecting species that are vulnerable.

Currently, about 40% of the world population, an estimated number of 3.2 billion people suffer from the continued degradation of ecosystem. For example, by losing fertile soil or safe drinking.

Restoring Natural areas is critical and when people become involved with managing Landscapes, invasive species can be controlled and ecosystem can be restored. Nature needs humans to help out in as much humans need them too for sustainability.

When these landscapes disappear, the situation becomes a tragedy, they are developed and sold, on a very basic level, rare plants and animals just go into localized extinctions. Another thing to consider is the impact on humans; The trees that are out there are helping to clean the air we breathe.

Hence, Ecosystem degradation must be stopped and restoration undertaken on a massive scale to help fight species extinction and dissertation through restoring degraded landscape.

Written by: Thanni Abdurrahman O.